Innovation for Community Enterprises: Using Smartphone Colorimetry
Batik fabrics are textiles with motifs indigenous to Southeast Asia, recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. Thai batik...

New publication on composite stir bar adsorbent for food analysis
Congratulations! Dr. Piyaluk Nurerk, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sujitra Poorahong and our colleagues from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand and...

From science to innovation for civil society work
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mudtorlep Nisao, won the grant under the project "From research to product development for civil society work". He will...

IUPAC National Representative in Inorganic Chemistry Division
Congratulations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phimphaka Harding for your new role as IUPAC National Representative in Inorganic Chemistry Division for...

Walailak University Outstanding Researcher Award, Academic Year 2020
This year we have very good news, Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Harding won the Walailak University Outstanding Researcher Award, Academic Year...

The fifth FRSC in Thailand
Congratulations Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Harding, our outstanding faculty, who has been recognized by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)...

PhD Scholarships
Full funding scholarships for Thai students. As the COVID situation in Thailand, this round we are recruiting for Thai students who would...

Ms Vanessa Darakai's thesis proposal examination
We would like you to join Ms Vanessa Darakai thesis proposal examination on 13th August 2021 on zoom meeting at 14.30-15.30. Ms Vanessa...

Welcome new MSc students
On 10th August 2021, the College of Graduate Studies arranged the orientation for all postgraduate students who enroll into international...

PhD Student enters the the next exciting step with Start Up Thailand League 2021
Congratulations to our 3rd year PhD student, Miss Upeksha Habarakada and her team mates from the International College and the Software...